Dark Light

Since Everett got the Gro-Clock from Santa Claus this Christmas, he has actually been doing quite well in terms of staying in bed until the sun comes up on the clock turning it yellow. We set the clock for 730, then we can hear Everett excitedly calling out for me telling me that the clock is yellow! I know he is up earlier than that, and likely rolls around in bed watching the clock the entire time until it turns yellow because he is immediately calling out the instant is 730.

I get up with Everett in the morning so that Shannon can sleep in as much as possible, since she is feeding Sierra 2 to 3 times a night still. We may read one or two books in his room while he looks for an gathers up his “guys,” and then had downstairs for some breakfast, and then some playtime in the play room.

Today, Everett made it really difficult for me to leave. I had office at nine o’clock and was to take him to day home. I tried going upstairs to take a shower, however he kept holding on to me using all of his vocabulary to try and get be to stay and play. “Nooo… stay here!” “Dada play in the play room!” “Stay here a Everett!” Poor little guy!

He still does not play entirely on his own yet. Most often, he wants me to be there with them playing with the guys, or at least be in the room when he is distracted and play intensely on his own. Recently, we have been playing under a blanket, because Natalie had a fort set up in her bedroom. For the most part, we have been doing pretty good avoiding sitting him in front of the TV, although sometimes when Shannon is sleeping in and Everett is up and I have to go to work, I do turn on the Magic School Bus for him.

Work days for me probably is similar whether I met the hospital or at the office. At least at the office, I do not have to keep my phone with me all the time and answer phone calls. During office days, I would spend about an hour and a half with him in the morning, and if I note by 330-4, then I get 3 to 4 hours in the evening with Everett. That is a total of probably 4-5 hours a day. I’ve been reading that when cruising, your with family all the time, and it pretty much doubles family time together or more without cruising.

Sierra continues to be grouchy a lot of the time. The only thing that really consoles her is the boob. I change Sierra, walk her around, but that usually only last no more than half an hour and then she starts crying again at which point there is really nothing for me to do but to put her down. She is definitely going up though, and becoming a chunky little baby. Surprisingly, we when checked on the scale, she is really not that far from average. She is getting very cute little cheeks and big round alert eyes. She is definitely smiling at faces now and I bet she cannot wait to be able to cruise around on her own.

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