Just a month ago, we moved into our new house! Despite the delays and long wait for the possession date, moving in was not the end of all the little things that had to be done. On the list now is programming our lights, wallpaper, concrete and landscaping. I just put up curtain rods with my new drill proving to Shannon that I’m handier than she thought.
Despite referring himself in third person as “baby,” Everett is no longer a baby and hasn’t been on for a while now. He’s definitely a little boy. These last couple of weeks, he has really started picking up more words, copying what he hears and being more chatty.
Just the other day, we said “Smile!” for the camera, and he actually did! Where did he learn that?
He likes being in the middle of the action where we are. Shannon’s trying to get ready and Everett has to be up there seeing what’s going on. Before you know it he’s got make up on his eyes too!