Dark Light

Sometimes I’m not sure if a video will be a hit or not later on. Like this one, where I took the kids for a day out. After lunch at DQ, we went and climbed the same trees that we did years ago. I hung out with Everett, and Sierra didn’t perform for an interview. Is this one that I’ll look back on to remember how little the kids were, or would I skip past this one?

I got to hang out with Everett in the morning having breakfast. While there are many perks to the job, having a lot of down time is not one of them, and I looked forward to the day when I’m on my mini-retirement / sabbatical where I can spend as much time with the Beans as I wanted with no phone going off or sick people I’m worried about in the back of my mind. Just 100% concentration on the kids. Everett is in to Rubik’s cubes at present. They’re too tricky to solve, but definitely fun to collect with friends and they enjoy trying to figure them out.

Sierra got a really sore throat and probably hand-foot-mouth again. This time it was from a birthday party where one of the other girls was sick and spread it around to all the families in the neighbourhood. Amazingly, I was one who was spared, but it went through our entire family. Sierra got it the worst, poor girl, but it wasn’t as sad as it was when she was younger.

And finally, Phoenix Buffet. I don’t know if I have any videos my parents’ favorite buffet. But we’ve been coming here since the Beans were little! I added some clips of the kids doing their least favorite chore, Kumon, as well as learning project that Everett got from grandma and papa.

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