Dark Light

With only four days remaining before we leave for sabbatical, I wanted to make a piano video with the kids playing some duets with daddy. Who knows, the next time we’d do a duet, the kids would probably be two years older – 8 and 10 – no longer little kids but truly big.

I’m actually surpised that Everett and Sierra are open to playing the piano and seem to enjoy it more that I would have expected. It’s true that no kid likes piano practice, but when I’m at the piano or ask them to play some songs for guests, they don’t mind at all.

They’re at the stage where they haven’t learned to be nervous at performances yet. Or at least I don’t think so. The latest recital on an piano which hadn’t been tuned for decades (my parents’ piano sounded better) may have brought out some self-awareness and nerves for the first time, but I hope they retain their carefree nature when it comes to performance anxiety.

I set up the computer and the microphones that I’ve had on loan from my neighbour for more than 2 years now. I used a different camera angle than I usually do for piano videos to capture more of the face. The kids wanted to use their cameras too.

I’m thinking of buying a smaller keyboard for the boat to keep up some music and have the kids still learn. I hope we will continue to play music together.

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