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This January 16, 2021 we were under strict covid restrictions with no inside or outside gatherings. This makes having a birthday with friends and extended family difficult. The kids were very excited to celebrate Mom’s birthday despite any restrictions and frankly it didn’t matter to them. What did matter to them was the CAKE. And they were super excited to have 4 different cakes for this birthday celebration. On Friday evening, after work one of my friends Maria brought over a delicious salmon dinner and a beautiful homemade strawberry layered cake with chocolate strawberries on top! It was tasty. Then on Saturday we had 3 more cakes to eat. An ice cream cake from Edward and the kids, a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing and a chocolate mouse cake from the neighbors (Prevost’s and Haba’s). We had cake for days. I was also very excited because I finally got my new ring!! The engagement ring was upgraded for our 10th anniversary this past summer and it was finally here!!! And it is beautiful!! I love it. I also received lots and lots of phone calls, text messages, facebook messages and doorstep drop off gifts from friends. It was a beautiful day outside so Jennifer and Shannon took me out for a cross country ski down at Riverbend and we survived without injuries. It was a fun birthday. The day went by very quickly.

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