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Way before the quarantine, we had planned to go to Panorama for my 40th birthday with some friends. We wanted to be able to take the older kids on the runs, at least for a couple of runs.

When confronted with skiing lessons, Everett declared that skiing was “boring” and that he didn’t want to do it. By boring, he usually means he just doesn’t like it, but really for the kids at this stage it is a matter or presentation.

I told Everett that on my birthday I was going snowboarding with friends and asked him if he wanted to come along. And because I’m Everett’s favorite parent at this particular moment in time, he eagerly nodded yes. I explained then that we should do some skiing lessons and he thought it was great idea.

There were four lessons over two weekends. After the first one, he thought skiing was the best thing, and by the end, he said he wanted to be in skiing every single day. There weren’t that many kids enrolled with him being the only one on the last day for a private lesson.

Everett’s great at keeping control now. At one point, he was coming down the hill so fast I wasn’t sure if he was going to crash or not, but he scratched the snow at just the right moment and skied right up to the magic carpet. After having done the T-bar with the instructor a couple of times, he graduated to the chair lift which became an instant favorite, and also made it down his first blue run without any problems!

I was hoping to run with the enthusiasm and do some more skiing this season, but today (Wednesday, March 18), Canyon shut down for the season. Of course, this was the day we were supposed to have checked in to Panorama, but that was shut down a week ago.

Everett was disappointed, but we took the opportunity to pull out a bag of little Pokemon characters which made up for it!


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