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Today, I have some videos collected over the last month between the kids. Sierra is just a couple months from her 2nd birthday and her vocabulary is starting to pick up. While this is a very bad age for traveling, and especially sitting still on an airplane, she is very cute at home.

I think actually Sierra has better pronunciation and perhaps language skills then Everett did at her age. Of course, we had more time devoted to reading to Everett and such, however Sierra does have a brother to speak with. Her pronunciation of “Eh-vett” is more accurate then Everett’s 1st try “Reh-rett.”

Somehow, we had managed to reverse thank you and you’re welcome. When we give up with something to Sierra, we say “thank you” to try and get her to say the same thing. However, she ends up responding with “You’re welcome!”

We were out at the park playing with sand one day and the kids were making ice cream.

Shannon found Sierra being a little cleaner in the bathroom.

One day before going swimming, we watched a couple of videos of kids swimming in the pool, mostly for Everett as I was trying to get him to gain more confidence in the water and try put his face under. Anyways, there was this little kid in Asia being taught by his dad presumably, and the routine was doing a front float first, and then followed by “tiger tiger tiger” where the child was instructed to paddle with his hands to get his head out of the water so he could take a breath. I think that be a left an impression with Sierra.

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