Dark Light

The parents of one of the nurses at the dialysis unit had some new animals at their farm out near Ponoka. The weather wasn’t the greatest, it was windy and cool, but fortunately did not rain very much. We took a drive out and got to view new chicks as well as a litter of kitties. We even got to ride in a tractor that went out and got a couple of bales of hay to feed the cattle.

Everett lately has been pretending to be a kitty, saying “This is how Katie sits,” and then sits down on his haunches with his arms out in front of him. He took a particular liking to one of the kittens, a white one, which also seemed like Everett too. Sierra also seemed enjoyed animals. She has really liked birds.

Sierra wasn’t too keen on holding or petting any of the animals. She did like the chicks that she called “birds.”

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