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We hummed and hawed for several weeks about whether or not to go somewhere for vacation when I had a couple of weeks of vacation time this month. We considered Hawaii, doing a cruise, going nowhere and staying home, going to Arizona. In the end, Shannon booked a one week all inclusive to Iberostar in Cancun. Would it be worth the hassle? Will we get any sleep with all four of us in the same room? How will the kids be on the flights this time?

For the first time, Shannon and I were up before the children to get ready to leave the house. Sierra didn’t sleep in much longer and squawked a few minutes after hearing us getting dressed. Like the other times we needed to make a trip to Calgary (Annapolis, Paw Patrol concert), the roads were bad. It was wet snow, and the plows weren’t out yet, but not as bad as Annapolis, thank goodness.

Everett is not a problem on flights anymore. He settles himself into his seat, eats his snacks and binges on Paw Patrol. This time he even showed some interest in the take off and landing! Sierra is just like how Everett was two years earlier: a full time chore. Shannon was reluctant to give Sierra any Benadryl, but by the time we did, and Sierra fell asleep, we had landed in Cancun.


The first day we just checked into our room, had dinner and went to bed. The next day, we played! “Do you want to play with me?” Everett always asks. “Mmeh!!” Sierra says.

We had breakfast, and spent all day in the pools. It was windy and with quite the waves on the beach, but we braved those anyways. Everett is cautious at first, but after a little bit, he had fun throwing sand into the surf, and then jumping in the waves with daddy.

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After fun in the sun and water, we were tired again.

Then we washed up and went to the much anticipated Japanese restaurant where we were treated to a tepanyaki show, a dinner similar to Japanese Village. It was late for the children, so they didn’t do that well sitting and waiting for the food to get cooked, but surprisingly, they did eat when everything was ready.

Long day for the kids. Long day also for mommy and daddy.

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