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This is a good year for Christmas with Everett being 3 and Sierra 1. We went and saw Santa a couple of times – we’ll let the photos speak for themselves!


We spread of Everett’s presents this year over a couple of days, because last year, he opened all of them at once, but because it was late, he didn’t get to play with any of them, so it was just all one big tease. Everett just wants to play with the toys!

We had gifts wrapped up under the tree and Everett quickly hones in on the ones wrapped with Paw Patrol wrapping paper. Sure enough, those were his presents. We told him we have to be patient, and wait for Christmas, otherwise they’ll be “taken away.” Yes, a little harsh but language he understands. He doesn’t know exactly when Christmas is of course, and the concept of Santa and gift exchange is still new.

One morning, Everett gets up at who knows what time he gets up at early in the morning and snuck downstairs to the gifts. He slowly peels back a corner of one of the presents (such that we can tell he peeked! and also we had a recording of this on one of the security cameras). Then he must have felt bad, because you hear his footsteps coming back upstairs to our room and then waking us up to go open presents!


Over the course of a couple of days, we left presents out for Everett that he asked for: Robocars Amber and Poli and the Air Paw Patrols. Shannon said after that even if he had just Amber and Poli, he would have been great! Everett played with Amber and Poli pretty much for the whole of the day, and probably longer had we not had more presents for him later to distract him. We probably have way too much stuff for him, and setting him up to get spoiled.

Everett’s favorite gift was probably the Robocar station, and he ended playing a lot with that and the transforming cars with yeh-yeh.

Sierra takes most things in stride. She liked peeling back wrapping paper for a little bit. She got several dolls. I don’t know why, but I think Shannon wants Sierra to be a really girly girl 🙂 One doll has a magnetic soother that attaches to the doll’s mouth which Sierra immediately understood. It’s really funny watching her, as she seems to know exactly that soothers go in the mouth. (Sierra doesn’t use a soother herself). She got another doll with a nubbed soother that she tries and then puts in the doll’s mouth. She has a stroller which she wheels the dolls around the house. Her favorite toy is probably a tea set that plays songs and makes sounds from a tea pot. Again, it’s halarious seeing Sierra open up the play sugar cup, and pretend to pick up a cube of sugar and put it in her mouth eating it. She’s no dummy!

On Christmas Eve, we put out a couple of cookies and a cup of milk for Santa before Everett went to bed. The next morning, he noticed the consumed snack and told us, “Santa bited the cookies and drank all the milk!”

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