Dark Light

After a wintery Easter weekend, the weather is finally warming up. I used the pressure washer for the first time to clean out the garage, and Everett was out helping (as usual), and also getting a chance to do some outdoor play.

As Sierra continues to be difficult, Shannon has been trying to introduce her to solids so that hopefully she’d stay full over night. She is not the most cooperative as seen here.

As it turns out, last week Sierra was discovered to have a right ear infection after Shannon took her to see the doctor because she’s been cranky. While it is a relief that she’s getting antibiotic treatment for this, the question remains as to whether or not she will become a happier baby. We keep trying to find excuses as to why she cries all the time and seemingly so miserable, like maybe she’s hungry, she’s tired, needs a diaper change, low on iron and needs solids, teething or now having an ear infection. But maybe this is just the way she is.

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