Dark Light

Sierra had a rough night last night, and consequently, so did the rest of us. She cried and was awake from about 2-4am. I went to sleep in the basement guest room, and Shannon was up with her trying to get her to bed. I think Everett’s sleep definitely gets disrupted as he was up at 6:45am and then after going pee, went to bed to await the turning of the clock to yellow, but ran out of patience at 7:20am and started screaming.

I took Everett and Sierra to breakfast at Tim Horton’s this morning so that Shannon can get a few consecutive hours of sleep without the kids. The weather was horrible – snowing on the Easter long weekend! Sierra didn’t cry as much as expected, as long as I held her. We had a pretty good breakfast until it was time to go. As I shuttled garbage back and forth, the one instant I stepped away from our table, Everett managed to dump the small carton of milk all over himself (he drinks from the straw, but tilted the open carton towards himself). What a disaster. Everett said correctly identified that he made a “big mess,” and for the first time I heard him use the work “accident.” I wiped things up, and out in the car, stripped his wet clothing off and drove home.

I picked up some dry clothes for Everett at home, a short detour in the other direction to Grandpa’s place. I though we’d drop by for a little visit this morning. Everett was happy to see Benji and feed the fish. He spotted some grapes and wanted some. Grandpa was happy to wash him a couple more, and give him a couple slices of orange too.

Back at home, Everett, Sierra and Shannon went off to the Tilleys for breakfast while I went to do dialysis rounds and then take a nap.

When I got up, I did some work at home and then got ready to go into work again. Everett was playing in the basement. I gave him a hug, sat with him for a minute, and told him that I was going to work. I can’t be absolutely certain, but Everett didn’t seem all that happy with this, but extended one arm out against me, and said, “Go.”

His tone is of resignation (in that he can’t do anything about it), and of disappointment (because I think he would have liked me to stay and play). I don’t know if this is just countertransferance to a two and a half year old on my part, but nevertheless I did feel badly. This especially having recently returned from a 3 week vacation when all I did was spend time with family. Now back at home, I see the kids about 3-4 hours every day again.

The trend continued at the hospital like all week. After reducing the inpatient list to one page, I got one consult bid like clockwork. The last one was an ASA overdose who I didn’t end up dialyzing (yet). I made it home at around 8pm. Everett was already in bed but not asleep yet. I went to bed with him and snuggled, talking to him about his day.

I really like the snuggling at night, and going over the day’s highlights because it is so interesting what stands out to a two and half year old. I do most of the talk and Everett agrees “M-hmm!” At grandpa’s place, I asked him what kind of treats he got. “Fish!” he says, referring to those cheddar baked cracker snacks, which he didn’t get. “No, you had some grapes, and orange,” I corrected him. “M-hmm!” And then he says, “Jee-jee not moving!” This was when he wanted to eat the grapes, but Benji was just sitting there minding his business, and Everett though he was in his way.

I also asking him why he cried when Shannon and I swapped places when I returned home and Shannon was going to the Tilleys. Everett was bawling. What was first probably wanting to be with me (“I want to see dada!”) just spiraled out of control and then he forgot what he was upset about crying all the way to the Tilleys. Everett replied to me, “Everett not crying,” as though it did not happen. I asked him about why he cried when he woke up from his nap. He said the same thing. I’m not sure if he remember being upset actually.

I told Everett that I loved him at one point and he said “My miss dada.” And he said it again. He used a sad voice, that he sometimes uses in various scenarios, just for that phrase. It’s hard to know if he’s really sad, or if that phrase is just naturally spoken with that tone. Oh Everett, dada missed Everett too. I told him that momma and Sierra loved Everett, and I told my Bean Bean that I loved him too, and that he’s my favorite little boy before kissing him again to sleep.

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