Dark Light

There are some things that Everett isn’t allowed to do because he is too small. He’s usually accepting of this explanation when we tell him this. The first time we wanted to go on the big slide at Koloa Landing, the slide monitor didn’t let him go because he was below the height restriction and the rule was that it was one person at a time. Rule are rules I guess, but the slide is very slow and didn’t merit such a strict policy. I told Everett that he could go when he got bigger. But when he’d get bigger had always been ambiguous.

A couple of days later, another monitor let him go, and now toward the end of our stay, we know that there are two who will let him go down the slide on our laps, and one who sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t. Everett has now caught on that he’s “bigger” over these last couple of days.

Another time Everett wanted to do something like drive our rental car. He loves scrambling to the driver’s seat and hanging on to the wheel, pushing and pulling levers and buttons. He said he wanted to  drive. I told him that he wasn’t allowed until he was bigger. He stands up in the seat and says, “Now, my bigger!” as he was taller standing up.

Oh the Bean. My little boy will undoubtedly be bigger before I know it.

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