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The amazing things with little kids is how resilient they are, and how even when they are sick, they just plow through their day as if there were just fine. Whereas if I had a fever and bad cough for a couple days, I’d want to be in bed, but Everett, he kept getting up bright and early, and as active as ever.

This year was Everett’s first “fun” Christmas, where he kind of knew that something was going on, and he knew how to open presents. Unfortunately, he caught a cold somewhere and had a fever and cough from Dec 24-26, then passing it on to Sierra, who is probably midway through the course.

Probably with any family gathering there were some snags that day. First, my grandma fell and lacerated her scalp a few days earlier. She is very frail and relies on Herrick and family to take care of her at home. She has severe kyphosis and pretty much can’t move around on her own. My dad went to church Christmas Day with her and came back after lunch, so we waited until he was back before opening presents. This was close to 6pm. So that meant that despite getting an awesome Paw Patrol gift that he was excited about, we didn’t open the box for him and moved on to opening the rest of the gifts and have dinner. I don’t know if he was just sick and tired, or frustrated that we were almost teasing him with presents, but he didn’t get to play with any. Poor little guy.

After Christmas, we had a full house with Shannon’s parents, Shawn and Shannon’s friend Hannah visiting. There house was too full, especially with two sick children, and Everett seemed overwhelmed, and only wanted to stick to Shannon, who of course, had to look after Sierra and entertain the guests. He did get some time with the grandparents and Hannah to do coloring and play with the Play-Doh he got for Christmas. The Paw Patrol books and stickers were a real hit too.

Not that everyone has left, things are returning back to normal again. Everett still has a nasty sounding cough, but is definitely getting better. Sierra continues to cry all the time, and to me, is just as colicky as before. Shannon thinks she’s worse. We had the worst night ever just a couple of days ago with Sierra crying at 2am, then Everett getting up at 3am when Sierra was settled, and then Sierra crying again when Everett settled at 4pm. She has a runny, stuffy nose, I think a seal bark – like cough. She is sleeping more now which is a good thing.

New Year’s Eve, and I’m on cardiology call. Shannon’s going to bed early right away. Just another day now.

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