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Everett loves the Paw Patrol. I didn’t even know who they were, but one day, I found myself with Everett right before bed time when we are “read book” and he could name all of the puppies of Paw Patrol. Shannon found some Paw Patrol stickers and they were a hit!


While he’s figured out some sticker properties, like how they go on the appliances, he hasn’t quite got the hang of all the technical aspects yet. Instead of spreading stickers out, he sticks them one on top of another.



One difficult parenting decision is when to say “no more.” Everett has pretty much used up all his stickers, sticking them in stacks on his hand, but he loves them so much that I’d want to go out and get him several more boxes of them. But when do I know if I’m spoiling Everett, or just giving him enough for him to be happy?

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