Dark Light


The towels have to come down. Walking in the house with his boots on.

I’m back to work after 14 months maternity leave. It was really hard going back. I really didn’t want to leave Everett at all. I know he will be fine without me, it’s me I’m worried about! My little man stayed at home and Grandma Lee came over to babysit both days. He hardly seemed to notice I was gone. He enjoys Grandma babysitting. I need to find a new dayhome since the lady I had lined up is not very reliable and always seems to cancel on me the night before. Her little girl is always sick with something and I’m tired of her always cancelling on me! I don’t think she is a very good fit for us anyway for numerous other reasons.
I’m happy that I don’t have to work tomorrow and can spend the day with my little bean. He’s become such a little boy already. Talking and saying numerous words. He really seems to understand us when we talk and tell him to do things. It’s so much fun now. I look forward to seeing him learn and grow even more. I missed him a lot today and I hate saying good bye. Leaving him is definitely harder on me than it is on him!

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